Limitless merchants
Not restricted by physical space
No tight press deadlines
Add merchants anytime
Sell banner ads to offset your cost
Low percentage costs
Design your own card in app
Your own branded webpage
Design and customize your virtual card to align to your branding and mission. Have an existing program? We can help you digitalize.
Have design questions? ⮕Create a merchant profile and add deals and rewards. Rewards can be customized to one-time use, unlimited, timed, etc.
Have merchant onboarding questions? ⮕Sell online using your custom campaign page, in-person using our printable voucher sheets, or issue them to members using our backend API.
Experience our demo ⮕Which solution are you looking for? Click on one of the options below to learn how to use Zurly for your organization or company.
Why Choose Virtual Discount Cards for Your Charity Fundraiser If you are part of generation X, you probably have a memory or two of your…
Why Choose Virtual Discount Cards for Your Charity Fundraiser If you are part of generation X, you probably have a memory or two of your…